Ve Studeném

Chocerady - Samechov

One smaller and one larger pond are located approximately 300 m to the south of the village of Studený.

The protected area can be found 2 km to the west of the town of Sázava on the north slope of the hill of Spálený vrch above the left bank of the Sázava river.

Some typologically rich woodland vegetation has been preserved with an occasional primeval forest character with sufficient dynamics of the natural process of regeneration. This is located on a steep slope of the Sázava Rive Canyon and in a lateral ravine.  The centre consists of Benešov granodiorite, the west part of metabasites due to contact metamorphosis migmatised into a diorite appearance, the eastern part consists of moldanubic gneiss. The area is shaped by young erosion; its slopes are steep, divided with ridges and channels; the surface is covered mostly with soil with either free or in soil anchored scree with rare rock outcrops. Brown soil with varied sustainability prevails, which in some places alternates even with rankers with a changeable level of skeleton.

Apart from mycoflora with a rich variety of species, the area is botanically relatively poor.  With the exception of the edges, the representation of herbs is rather typical for individual wood types:  Diparula, Dog’s Mercury, Dentaria Bulbifera, Sanicula Europaea, etc.

A rich fauna of gastropods with an alpine character Aegopis verticillus and there are also records of presence of more rare species such as Triturus Newt, nesting of a Black Stork, and some entomologic data is also available.  The prevailing vegetation consists of that one connected to the oak/ beech type with a relatively smaller frequency of the beech/oak type and also beech/oak and scree sycamore woodland. The composition of tree species is close to the natural one. Artificially planted woodland areas prevail over the natural development that takes place in these areas where the old woodland cover deteriorated. The spruce cover in the north eastern part of the protected area is relatively interesting. This could represent the original ecotype of spruce from the region of Sázava.

Basic Data
Cadastral Area of Samechov
Area 41,67 ha
Altitude 285 – 459
Established by writ by MŠ ANO no. 27.921/32 of 19.3. 1935 (based on an assessment from 1962 an expansion of the area was proposed).


Chocerady - Samechov
GPS: 49,8744539°N 14,86145742°E